Robert James Waller. Writer. Folk singer. Author of "Bridges of Madison County," which sold more copies than McDonald's sold hamburgers (according to Wikipedia); was made into a movie in which an 84 year old Clint Eastwood took off his shirt.
50-million copies is a lot for a novel, when you consider that William Faulkner's first novel sold about 20,000.
I think this was the right type of novel at the right time: It is basically a middlebrow romance novel. I.e., a romance novel that you aren't ASHAMED to be seen carrying.
I remember when the book and movie were big, this guy appeared on Oprah with his wife. This guy actually sang his self composed song, and his poor wife had to sit there the whole time looking adoringly supportive. I hope she went home, cut him off from sex, and spent all the money on jewelry and spa visits.
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50-million copies is a lot for a novel, when you consider that William Faulkner's first novel sold about 20,000.
I think this was the right type of novel at the right time: It is basically a middlebrow romance novel. I.e., a romance novel that you aren't ASHAMED to be seen carrying.
You have a weird idea about what lesbians look like.
I *HATED* The Bridges of Madison County.
"You have a weird idea about what lesbians look like."
I would never have known that was a man, otherwise.
I remember when the book and movie were big, this guy appeared on Oprah with his wife. This guy actually sang his self composed song, and his poor wife had to sit there the whole time looking adoringly supportive. I hope she went home, cut him off from sex, and spent all the money on jewelry and spa visits.
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