Saturday, May 24, 2008

Carrot Top. Comic. Much maligned stand-up who, like previous generation much maligned stand-up (and MWLLOL) Joe Piscipo, thought it might be funny to develop a freakish and chill-rendering physique.


Chilly said...


Damn, you Carrot Top, damn you to hell.............

Anonymous said...

The thing of it is, no matter how massively huge his pecs, gluts, lats or whatever become... It will never be all that impressive or intimidating when the capstone of his appearance is a perm and some freakishly plucked/drawn on eyebrows.

You don't even see old ladies with drawn on eyebrows like that any longer.

Zen Wizard said...

1-800-COLLECT is very popular with prisoners.

Here is a man who clearly respects his target demographic.

skelley said...

silly zen wizard. it was 1-800 call-att. get your crappy comic endorsement connections right!

spectacular views said...

hahahahahah SICK

Anonymous said...

I met Carrot Top once at a health food store when I lived in Atlanta many years ago....

The only thing I could remember was the terrible body odor and stentch he was reaking that almost made me puke....


It couldnt have been the perm solution however it looked like he was just plucked and his eyebrows looked real freaky.....

They say true Red Heads have a terrible distinct body odor that just reaks!

What an awful experience....

Juliet said...

Chill-rendering indeed!

Anonymous said...

He looks like an Old Lesbian Who Somehow Clawed Her Way Out of the Burning Convent. He has never been less appealing.

Anonymous said...

What on earth causes a desperate comedian to decide his next big career move involves eyeliner and steroids?

Anonymous said...

"What on earth causes a desperate comedian to decide his next big career move involves eyeliner and steroids?"

I am no insider, but I believe he has a contract gig with a Vegas Casino/resort... Not glamorous, but stable and the pay is often decent. (Suzanne Sommers - consumate business woman - had a multi-year run doing LV, Cher signed an 80M contract to do a multi-year run as well...)

I don't think he is struggling so much as just plain weird.

Anonymous said...

Where are you pulling all of these disturbing older men from!

Anonymous said...

His hair always reminds me of Sideshow Bob (from The Simpsons). Sideshow Bob, however, is actually funny, and what's more, he can sing.

Anonymous said...

What th... I thought that was Ronald McDonald!