Al Jarreau. Singer. Winner of gazzillion* Grammys. Someone help me out here: what exactly does he sing? Is it okay to like it? If I do like it, do I have to like it in an ironic, Diablo Cody way, or can I just like it?
As Jarreau & I share an alma mater, I must enter here to say his skill should not be marginalized due to looking like one of the "also receiving votes" at the drag-king gala I attended this past Saturday. He has a voice. A good one. & he even comes back to old alma mater to perform. (Can't say the same for Harrison Ford.)
Actually, "Gimme the Night" was by another singer, George Benson, who also plays a mean jazz guitar. They've recorded several projects together over the years, though. Some other songs Al Jarreau is known for are "Mornin'," "So Good," "We're In This Love Together," and "Boogie Down." Six Grammys, BTW.
Please send candidates with pictures to Thank you. Note: many of the recent additions are from submissions (thank you again). I will try to update the blog every few days, but will do so at least once a week.
He sang the theme song from the TV show Moonlighting. LOL
It is not bad to like Al; he really is good. But for the sake of your white boy cred, don't advertise it!
or the sake of any cred...
"Like" is a very strong word.
How about, "We recognize his right to exist"?
Cool. All of Your posts are very interesting.Thank you.
My favorite song is called "All or Nothing at All". It's from an album that's probably more than 10 years old, but it's awesome!
As Jarreau & I share an alma mater, I must enter here to say his skill should not be marginalized due to looking like one of the "also receiving votes" at the drag-king gala I attended this past Saturday. He has a voice. A good one. & he even comes back to old alma mater to perform. (Can't say the same for Harrison Ford.)
Didn't he sing "Gimme the Night"? I've been hearing a lot of djs mixing that one in lately. Not a terrible song.
Actually, "Gimme the Night" was by another singer, George Benson, who also plays a mean jazz guitar. They've recorded several projects together over the years, though. Some other songs Al Jarreau is known for are "Mornin'," "So Good," "We're In This Love Together," and "Boogie Down." Six Grammys, BTW.
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