Saturday, December 22, 2007

Michael Cimino. Director. Writer. Currently in pre-production of a feminist version of "The Vagina Monologues."


Chilly said...

WHOA! He looks exactly like an old girlfriend of mine!

Good choice.

Anonymous said...

He could have played two of the three leads on "Three's Company."

Anonymous said...

Could I nominate someone? Brian Howe.
He and his glorious mullet hit on me a few years ago.

Jason said...

apparently he's had tons of plastic surgery too. Like, obsessively. Like Michael Jackson.

Anonymous said...

It's partly the trendy Hollywood haircutter's who give these poor ol' celebs that silly bufont mullet thing. It works on asian men under 22yrs of age, and that's about it.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Ron Wood wearing lipstick.

Anonymous said...

Sharon Osborn?

Oh and jason bentley looks like a lesbian. Cut your hair man.

Nyarlathotep said...

Wait a second.

You mean, that is a man? Really? No shit?


Anonymous said...

More like 'The Dear Hunter' nowadays.....didn't he die along with the 'Heaven's Gate' cult?

Anonymous said...

I thought that was cathleen Quinlan.

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