Thursday, November 22, 2007

Peter Criss. Musician. Drummer in bottom-feeding glam rock group. Collector of cat memorabilia.


Anonymous said...

Manuel Pertegaz - Spanish fashion designer

Anonymous said...

I think Patton might actually say that he looks like an old lesbian in one of his stand-up routines.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that Patton comment belongs under Patton Oswalt.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he looks like a lesbian. Do you?

stilettoheights said...

I think this is my new favorite blog!

Anonymous said...

Nice over-tweezed eyebrows Peter! Those look reaaaaal masculine.

Anonymous said...

No man should pluck his eye brows. The only exception are the center of a uni-brow and a drag queen.

Anonymous said...

IDK Andy Rooney brows are a terrible terrible thing.

David Dovey said...

It's worth noting that Peter Criss has recently announced he has breast cancer.

David Dovey said...


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