Saturday, October 27, 2007

Al Franken. Writer. Possible candidate. Rush Limbaugh tormentor. Art director of Lands' End catalogue


  1. Bella Abzug lives!

  2. Deer-in-the-headlights photo embodies the essence of this quinessential lost lesbian. Formerly a man when writing for SNL, this convert turned full-fledged lesbian when she joining up with the failed Air America. Her latest attempt to seek a seat in the Senate, touting flaming liberal political rhetoric, firmly entrenches her in the lesbian family. Thank you for adding her to your list.

  3. Yea right....Dumbass torments Rush Limbaugh...get real, OK?

  4. For some strange reason I remembered this entry for years, even though I'd never heard of the bloke. Then when Naughty Al made the news recently.... I was all "That's the old lesbian dude from that blog!"
