Gunnar Nelson. Musician. Executive at Logo behind the hit, "Lesbian Wedding Day," which follows couples as they prepare for their big day, from selecting pants suits at Talbots to registering at a pro shop.
Nice site you have here.. Thanks for the info..I'll use this a lot
Please send candidates with pictures to Thank you. Note: many of the recent additions are from submissions (thank you again). I will try to update the blog every few days, but will do so at least once a week.
Nice site you have here..
Thanks for the info..I'll use this a lot
OMG! he looks like a bizarre version of ellen degeneres
My god. There are no words to describe the genius of this site. Thank you. Please develop this more so that it can soar to new heights.
Yes, I'm afraid Ellen Degeneres has kept her brother in the closet all these years. Now she's trying to keep Portia away from him... J
It's Suze Orman!
this is what ellen sees in a carnival mirror
Isn't Gunnar a twin? One of Ricky Nelson's boys? Does his brother look like a lesbian also?
How can you look girlier than you did with waist length hair?
NEVER would have guessed this was Gunnar. I thought it was a woman!
Holy crap
I AM a lesbian and I think he's cute
Not really.... In fact, she's look beautiful, prettier than Ellen.
And by the way...
Here's my fav site ever, which I could barely show the world how much I love all of the people, Click Here.
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