The post below contains pictures of three of the more popular submissions to the "men who look like old lesbians" blog--
Ric Ocasek,
Tony Curtis and
David Lynch. I chose them based on e-mails, comments, phone calls and other feedback I received. There are
plenty of other great candidates too and I plan on including them in future polls. New submissions will, of course, also be in upcoming polls. The contest will end on Friday, November 2, 2007--midnight-
ish, PST. The winner will receive a free "men who look like old lesbians" T-shirt. Soon after that, I'll start another poll. (Yes, a lawyer suggested some of this copy and yes he wanted me to change "midnight-
ish" to 12:00 AM, but so far I haven't, even though he assured me he only had my best interests at heart. He's also come up with some other legal language that he wants me to put on the blog that I probably will, but haven't yet.). Thank you. Keith Mays.