Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thurston Moore. * Musician. Singer. Easily the tallest member of influential alternative New York City-based band Sonic Youth.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'd say Thurston looks more like a young-to-middle aged lesbian here.

menwholooklikeoldlesbians said...

i agree and have made a note of it (see *). thanks for pointing that out. keith

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that photo more correctly belong on the blog, "Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians with Headphones"?

Anonymous said...

did thurston by chance play velma in the live action scooby doo movies?


Eric Christopher said...

Sonic Youth is a Minneapolis-based band, actually.

menwholooklikeoldlesbians said...

eric--thanks for the comment. i wasn't aware of that. when did they leave new york? thanks. keith

Anonymous said...

They left in 1985 after drummer Richard Edson was mugged in Astor Place.

Anonymous said...

Here's a lesbian that I always thought looked like Thurston Moore.

Kinda creepy.


Anonymous said...

sonic youth is definitely not minneapolis-based, and definitely did not leave nyc in 1985.

funny pic though, he really doesn't usually look like that. and unlike most of the others here he hasn't disfigured himself at the plastic surgeons' office.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Jon Heder and Jon Heder also looks like an old lesbian.

Anonymous said...

Sonic Youth is def. from New York, don't be jealous, minneonapolis sounds pretty gay anyway.
and that lesbian TOTALLY looks just like thurston ahhahaha

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