Tuesday, February 12, 2008

a favor, if possible...

the following individual stole this blog and put it up on youtube as his own--and added crappy music. if you could let him know this is not a cool thing to do, it would be much appreciated. thank you. keith http://youtube.com/user/raphlo2 p.s. i asked him to take it down, and he blocked me from e-mailing him. i'm starting to question his ethics.


giddy girlie said...

as of 5:30pm PST this user has no videos on YouTube, so it must have worked! Huzzah! ;-)

Chantilly Bass said...

How dumb could someone possibly be? Glad you have peeps to look out for you! Keep up the good work, love it.

golfwidow said...

It's still there. I commented that I liked the original better. I think he's deleting people who are accusing him of plagiarism.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that he may well be doing you a favor, in that aside from the music which clearly identifies him as an analsexual, if such a video was to make it onto a viral vid top 10 site, word would eventually spread back to this site... thus promoting your original work by proxy. besides, the ethos of the internet has always been one of sharing ideas and information which can be developed and used in a copyright free environment. However i am amused by the irony that you sound a tad like an old red fem whisker splitter yourself with your bellyaching...

Anonymous said...

anonymous...it ain't bellyaching to be openly upset that someone blatantly took your idea and passed it off entirely as his own in order to accrue personal attention. that he deletes all comments that draw attention to this blog virtually kills the idea that this is merely "sharing" the idea. he stole it, and gave no credit where credit was clearly due.

why does everyone of the internet generation always sound so self-entitled?

Anonymous said...


Chilly said...

He must be deleting comments. He's still there but there are no comments other than the one I left him. What a dipwad.

Chilly said...

PS to 2nd anonymous: "why does everyone of the internet generation always sound so self-entitled?"

Damn fine question.

Anonymous said...

Look Keith, I understand your frustration, but its not self entitled to point out reality here. Perhaps I was a little phlegmatic in doing so, but clearly you are an adult and quite intelligent enough to know that your work on a blog is not protected. Your quandary is indicative of the convergent and transitional direction the net is taking and you certainly are not alone. My personal favorite example is how torrent sites are filled with films and television shows which are "tagged". For example, "30Rock s2e5.avi by sTuP1DTe3nAg3rZ" These downloads come with release notes such as "sTuP1DTe3nAg3rZ proudly presentz", like they did anything but hit a button on a tivo, no mention of financiers, writers, actors, crew etc, who actually produced them. These guys actually have the audacity to bitch and moan on forums when another wanker uploads their supposed "release" to another site with another equally sad, misspelled moniker. The question is Keith, should online content be protected and ifso, howso? Where can the line be drawn? A very complicated and subjective topic indeed. For now though, you may just have to seek solace in this kid's sincerest form of flattery and keep your cards a little closer to your chest if you feel they have commercial potential. As for originality and ideas, yours is funny, but years ago I met a fellow nicknamed "bulldyke" for his resemblance to a large, ugly, clam muncher .... food for thought.....

Anonymous said...

and clearly the solution is just to accept things the way that they are and lecture everyone about how it is, rather than address the way they should be, and work to change it.


your rant still reeks of self-entitlement and does nothing to address how we should resist such a thing. having your work stolen is having your work stolen. if keith wants to call a spade a spade, you should be a goddamn fool to tell him to do otherwise.

and your movie torrent analogy is a failure in comparison to this circumstance. while ripping a movie is wrong in its own right, a failure to list writers/directors/etc. ain't deceiving a living creature into thinking that the ripper had anything to do with the film. no one considers him as passing off the work as his own. with this blog being outright stolen, it is abundantly clear that the person in question is attempting to pass the work off as his own AND to quell any person who dare point this out, to continue perpetuating the idea that the work is his own.

Anonymous said...

wow, my reeking rant of foolish falure....methinks you may be a touch buttsore...also, thanks for pointing out when the sarcasm ended just like a real live scriptwriter. i may not have realized otherwise. as for your wild tempered claims, i will address them in point form for my convenience.. 1. torrent rippers do imply the work is their own by demanding credit for rip plagiarisms. 2. My response continues to reflect a reality that you wish to meet with denial, crying like a little girl and pointless anger. 3. I did offer solutions to the problem of online content plagiarism in the current scheme of things: a)if you dont want your valuable content stolen, dont post it on a blog. and b) suck it up like a big boy and get back to work.....So much for my hopes of sparking interesting debate on the subject.... p.s. if youre really not keith as you imply, then you obviously want to know what his penis tastes like.

Anonymous said...

Good lord. Didn't realize I was arguing with a six year old.

Thanks for not addressing my point about torrent rippers at all (it apparently missed you entirely, or you're actually dumb enough to think you addressed it).

And no, sorry...I ain't the blog creator. He posts in the comments from time to time though, and he uses his actual name when he does. But of course, clearly I'm gay because I respect the right of someone to expect their work not to be stolen...no other reason. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

yes, clearly....

Anonymous said...

"Great video. There's a similar blog out there. It's too bad the guy never thought to make a video out of it."

He posted that on his own video. What a fucking tool.

Anonymous said...

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